Mel Gibson vrs. Hezbulah

The only thing that bothers me about Mel Gibson's arrest and comments is the fact that I know about them! Why is this my business? When did we decide that it is okay that a celebrity loses his right to privacy? We've allowed the media to dictate what we see as important information and what is not. The proverbial they claim that the public "want to know". Speaking as a member of said public...I don't give a flying fuck about any of Mel's problems! Dude has issues...fine...he'll deal with him. I do not need to know any of this! Can we please try and focus on issues that do affect us?

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Dr. Deb said…
You are correct, the focus in the media seems displaced.
me said…
With fame, comes a HUGE price. I wouldn't exchange my privacy for any amount of money. The media will always be askewed. I think the only real way to be a big celebrity and get privacy is to live in another country like Johnny Depp. Mel screwed up big time. But look at how Woody Allen still gets people to go to his movies or still gets the good celebrities to work with him! Woody Allen is beyond scum imo. Mia Farrow is a living angel.
The country is asleep imo they all would rather talk gossip then focus on the wounds of the world. Guess it's easier. Ignorance is bliss and all that crap. Nobody wants to feel pain anymore...pop a quick pill when you have a tooth ache..instead of feeling the pain.

The whole world is asleep, except for some of the angry ones.

beyond my comprehension....

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