
I had just finished getting ready for work and sat down to have my coffee. I turned on the local news just in time to see the second plane hit.
I thought," This can't be has to be some stupid movie advertisment...some stunt to show off a new Hollywood thriller".
I was shocked. I went on to work. Our weather here is similar to that in NY.
I thought "What a beautiful day". What could possibly be the matter on such a gorgeous day? When I arrived at work, the woman I work with (we no longer know each other) had not heard anything official. Just bits and pices on our local radio station. Later, we heard about the Pentagon. We hugged, we cried. We thought, "How could this be? When will they stop?" It still seemed unreal. Impossible!


me said…
I was watching Sesame Street with the kids, the BBC broke in and showed the burning building...kept thinking.. That looks like the twin towers but it can't be.???

Shock, Awe, profound sadness...I still cry every single time I see it. I will always cry...always.

Hang my face in my hands and sob, sob, sob like a little baby.

Changed my world forever.

I don't believe it will ever get easier.

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