3000 troops to be deployed to Afghanistan

I found This article interested while researching this topic. It list alot of fears that Americans have for the troops that are now dedicated to Afghanistan. Oddly the same myopic view of the world has cropped up again. Do they not seem to realize that these same challenges have been facing Canadian soldiers and other allies since nearly the day after the 9/11 attacks? it's terribly insulting to me that they are so stressed about deploying troops that should have been there instead of Iraq since day one. Obviously the 'war on terror' is everyone's issue but. lest we forget we are not the nation who was attacked. Thus far, seeing as we have long established the terrorist who attacked the twin towers originated from Afghanistan and nearby regions, we have been essentially fighting their fight! Sorry but it's about bloody time we had a little more help from them. I realize this seems very a unsympathetic view towards the troops themselves. It is a shame they are needed and have be there. It is a shame that any of our soldiers have to be there. I regret every death and every struggle my own Canadian brothers and sisters suffer. I still say to Americans. It is time to give more aid to your neighbours.. actually.. it is past time.
God bless them all.
More on the topic here


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