Isreali bans too? another reason!

What does it take to get Bush to understand tha this is a bad idea? How about an international incident?
Look here


me said…
With Bush having the last say and the overall cocky attitude again with..."educating Congress", I don't understand how this can even be considered? Clinton publicly admitting that the ports don't have enough security to begin's just too scary....too ridiculous. Somebody better get a back bone in this country and stick to it. Bush can't see past the money....sickening. Most Americans are outraged though, so let's see how far we get this time. good article, thanks Rue
Rue said…
Thanks Hun...just trying to do my part as a shameless agitator! ;0)
Rue said…
Oh and trust me...i pray for America everyday!
Anonymous said…
So here's what confuses me.

The United States is a country where, not too long ago, we were forced to debate and hash over and be inundated with the lurid details of a President, his assistant, and her little black (?) dress. I remember the word "impeachment" being bandied about because a married man was stupid enough to get a blow job while at work keeping the country safe and flourishing. Then he lied to a Grand Jury, WAS impeached, but got to keep his job. After all, the only ones dead were his sperm.

Now, not even a decade later, we have another President, a man who has managed to keep his pants zipped at work. (At least, as far as we know.) But that doesn't mean his track record (or his pants) is clean.

Bush's insistence on the existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction led to an on-going Iraqi war that neither country wanted and which has resulted in the deaths of thousands on both sides. And it now appears he lied about the strength of his evidence.

Bush's government claimed to have had no warning about the events of 9/11 and no way to prevent or reduce the level of death and destruction. Later information suggests otherwise.

Four days after the destruction of Hurrican Katrina, Bush stated that there was no way to have predicted the level of devastation that would be left in the Hurrican's wake. Only now we learn that Bush ignored the advice and warnings delivered by high-ranking officials and scientists who foretold of grave disaster if specific measures were not immediately implemented. Perhaps not all 13000 deaths and 23000 missing can be blamed on Bush, but like 9/11, his hands are not clean.

And now Bush and his people imply that the 70% of Americans that doesn't support selling port access to Arabs are racists. The question is, when there IS a terrorist attack at one of those ports, will Bush be around to say, "no one could have predicted that level of destruction"?

First off, if steps aren't taken after a warning is given, you're a lazy idiot. If you're a lazy idiot running a country, then you're a lucky lazy idiot and your country is screwed.

Second, calling protestors "racists" is at best naive, and at worst STUPID. It's not racism; it's Reality. It's learning from our collective experiences and protesting when it looks like we're on a steep sliding-slope back to where we've been before and really don't want to go again.

We live in an era where we don't pick up hitch-hikers, we don't invite complete strangers to babysit our children, and we don't invite the homeless into our homes. Maybe this is a bad thing. Maybe we should trust our fellow man a little more, but that's how we are living right now, that's the reality, and it doesn't make us prejudice, it makes us afraid. And we have every right to be afraid, 'cause there are some Bad People out there and They Want To Hurt Us. So we help at shelters and soup kitchens, we donate to the Red Cross, and we run police checks and get references before we leave our children with someone with whom we are not intimately familiar. This Just Makes Sense.

And yet Bush didn't even bother running a check on this so-called "terrorist-free" company, didn't even do a basic policy check to see what other Middle Eastern countries they were aligned with or who they were boycotting. He wants to take his alloted 45 days to "educate" Congress, and if they don't "see wisdom" after those 45 days... he'll over-rule them anyways?!?!?

So just a quick comparison of who gets impeached in the States:
Clinton: purported sexual harrassment, one dirty dress, thousands of dead sperm, lying at a Grand Jury hearing.
Verdict: impeachment

Bush II: started a war that results in the death of thousands, ignored warning of imminent terrorist attacks, ignored warning of Hurricane devastation, agreed to sell access to US soil before doing your basic security check that DAYCARE WORKERS GO THROUGH. Did NOT spill unnecessary sperm.
Verdict: has to endure the wailing and gnashing of teeth of the 70% racist countrymen who won't play along.

Poor man. How he must suffer.
me said…
Wow! Who is this Muser?

Get yourself a blog pronto!! I am in love with you and your common sense, conscience speaking self!!!!
Way to go Muser!

Rue...who is this masked man or wo-man?

Rue said…
It all makes me sooooo crazy!

Pink: she's a she and a frequent visiter..and yes she should have a blog...she has a wonderful voice!

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