Remembering the Kings

There has been some criticism from the Right Wingers out there that there was too much politicking at Coretta Scott King's funeral. I believe there was just enough. I also believe that She and Her Husband would be happy about it. They would feel satisfied that their work is continuing. Corretta's understanding of the unbalanced and unfair representation of visible minorities in North America was voiced by her friends at this ceremony. I believe she would appreciate the sentiment even at her funeral. She herself marched in her husband's place with the striking garbage workers in Mephis even before he was buried after his assassination. Her's and Martin's message and mission must continue.

It is only right and just that Her fight doesn't skip a single beat after her heart beat stopped.


me said…
I agree.
Anne said…
i thought it was fantastic, the way they dissed w. it was the right thing to do, given the spirit of the kings.

thanks for posting this.
Polyman2 said…
Your right as usual my dear Rue.
Rue said…
Thanks everyone

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