Eight found dead in a rural Southern Ontario Town

"This kind of thing just doesn't happen here" A local Sheddon resident.

All I can say is with all that happens in the world, why the hell does anyone bother belonging to a bike gang in the first place. Isn't there something better they could do? I say, instead of arresting these guys...send 'em to Afghanistan and let them fight with the real warriors!

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me said…
Very interesting idea Rue, I remember a suggestion of criminals on death row, being able to serve in the army too. The thing is, what would they do to the public? Ya know? Perhaps a strong tracking device would be needed too..but extra personnel would have to be hired just to watch them! ha!
But it is a very interesting idea indeed. Why does any gang form really? I don't know how it ever became, "cool" to be, "bad" in that way. I guess feeling fear from others, drives the gang's force. Confusion of fear=power.
Sounds a lot like our present administration.
Glad your feeling better Rue.

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