An unusual reaction to al-Zarqawi's death

Here is an interview by CNN's Soledad O'Brien, with the father of that 24-year-old civilian who was personally beheaded by Zarqawi in 2004 (on video, shown around the world afterwards!). You would think if anyone was "glad" al-Zarqawi was dead (and he certainly was a monster, no doubt!), it would be this father. But he has a very different take on it all.Personally I don't understand why they didn't just capture him like they did Hussien? I mean they got Hussien alive!!! Hussien!!!


There's actually mixed reation from people in that area as well. Not everyone is as overjoyed as the politically charged media would have you believe!

Arabs show mixed reaction over Zarqawi's death

I see on the news this morning that the car bombings have already begun. But we knew this would happen. Leaders like him are one in a million. It's not like assinationg a president or a prim minister. These men are replaced by one of thousands. we've no idea how many supporters there are. I think the North Americans and British should just go home. We can't fix it. We never will. We can't help those who won't help themselves.

so is this "mission Accomplished" now? Are you through? Can they come home now?


Polyman2 said…
So much truth
in that quote.
There is no disgrace
in owning up to
a mistake.
The disgrace is in all the deaths
caused by high displaced ideals.
me said…
Wow, extremely interesting articles thank you Rue. I believe Berg Sr. is a very spiritual man and chose peace to the extreme as a result of his son's horrific death. What else can possibly make sense out of his son's senseless death? I didn't agree with some of his feelings...seemed a bit skewed/odd but I do get it.

Thanks Rue, I haven't seen any reaction on TV from Berg's family.

God rest his soul, his death destroyed me at the time. I avoided that video like the plaque and then some idiot sent me the still shots. I have not yet, shaken those images from my mind and never will.

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