Negative campaigning

What would it take to get me roused from my sick bed? politics, of course.
The conservatives are doing it again. For my American friends, basically the Conservatives are our version of Republicans. The latest crap (indeed that is, I believe, the technical term) is the negative ads knocking the newly elected Liberal Party leader Stephane Dion. Quite honestly he isn't the leader I would have chosen but it is still the party I want in. Oddly, these ads are running before an election has even been called!! In fact, when ever any conservative poitician is interviewed for any issue it is obvious the campaigning is in full swing! During any of these sessions the talk almost immediately turns to talking down the opposition! I repeat..An election hasn't even been called yet!
I think they know full well that they don't stand much of a chance on getting re-elected. So..they are scared!


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