~~For a nation of eight million people Canada's war effort was remarkable. A total of 619,636 men and women served in the Canadian forces in the First World War, and of these 66,655 gave their lives and another 172,950 were wounded. Nearly one of every ten Canadians who fought in the war did not return.
~~During 1939-45 hundreds of thousands of Canadians - more than 40 per cent of the male population between the ages of 18 and 45, and virtually all of them volunteers - enlisted.
~~More than 516 Canadians lost their lives during the Korean War, 378 of whom are buried at the United Nations Memorial Cemetery at Tanggok, a suburb of Pusan.
~~Although Canada did not officially participate in the war in Vietnam...39% of Canadian Vietnam veterans with US citizenship in Vietnam were volunteers , most of whom joined specifically to serve in Vietnam. We can allow that 24% of all Canadians in the regular US Armed Forces served in Vietnam, based on the percentage that applied to the Armed Forces as a whole. If we increase this percentage by 39% to allow for new volunteers crossing the border, then 33% of the Canadians in the US armed forces who became naturalized US citizens served in Vietnam, numbering 1,071. Since this figure represents 45.5% of all Canadian Vietnam veterans with American citizenship (Table 2), their total would equal 2,354 - which can be rounded off to: 2,500
~~Canada took on a larger role starting in 2006 after the Canadian troops were redeployed to Kandahar province. Roughly 2,500 Canadian Forces personnel are currently deployed in Afghanistan as part of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). A total of 152 Canadian Forces personnel have been killed in the war since 2002

***This is the sacrifice for your freedom. All they ask is 2 minutes of your time at 11:00 AM Tomorrow..too much to ask? I don't think so.***


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