Maybe it's because if I was any whiter I'd be see through but...

I donnot listen to Rap music..or really very much dance music. I can sing but I can't least not Hip Hop (is that what it's called?) So..I have not heard any of 50 cents' lyrics. I understand that they are violent and "apparently" promote gun violence. So be it. I still think that a Government offical in any country has no right to ban his right to perform there. it is censorship, plain and simple. When you restrict one person from freedom of speach it is a slippery slope and you'll go down faster than you know. These are words. Words alone donnot make people kill. Words added to poverty, repression of civil rights (freedom of speach would be one of those)and heated aggression due to difficult environments can make people kill. Young people today are no more the easily swayed Zombies than my contemporaries were who listened to hard rock and were accused of worshiping the devil. That music was like a release of pent up aggression. It relieved the symptoms of hormonal youth rather than insite the violence our parents thought it did. If violent outbursts occurr during a 50 cent concert it isn't merely his music that will be the cause. The music is an expression of the aggression not the aggression itself.

MP Dan McTeague calls to ban 50 cent from performing in Canada


Just Jan said…
Amen....I couldn't agree with you more.
Dr. Deb said…
What a great post!

Rue said…
:) See that...I don't just criticize American poloticians...LOL!
me said…
Hey Rue, Glad you are feeling better. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I know it must have been hard w/o your Gram. Catching up on work and emails. I will respond to your posts and comment soon.
Rue said…
Thanks Jiminy but er...I am Canadian and we had ours in October. Although, yeah her death was impending and weighed heaviily on our hearts. Christmas is going to be really hard for many reasons this year.
Just Jan said…
Just stopped by and noticed you haven't posted in awhile....sending good thoughts your way...(hugs too)

Hope your having a good day!!


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