Did these soldiers lie then?

Yes, this comes from Micheal Moore's website. That does make it "liberal" (when did that become a dirty word) but it doesn't change the facts and feelings in the letters.

From: Daniel Goetz
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 1:44 PM
To: soldiers@michaelmoore.com
Subject: Dude!


Thank you for the work you are doing on behalf of the soldiers. I am currently deployed to Iraq. This is my second time here, and I have been stop-lossed. By the time I return to The United States, I will have served more than twelve months past my contract. I hope you continue your work to educate the public, especially now that the conservative right has Been galvanized by the election and perceives itself an unstoppable force in America. Yours is a respected (if not, feared) voice in Washington, and I hope you continue to champion our cause.

The polls don't show it, but there is a lot more dissension here now compared to 2003. More and more of us are becoming aware of the truth. As we continue to serve (whether it be as volunteers or conscripts), we will examine what our leaders say with more scrutiny. I see it happening here already. It may not make a difference now, but maybe in twenty years, when it's these men and women that are running for office. The meantime, though, is what worries me.

Daniel Paul Goetz

Much appreciated. Don't forget us.

From: roland tellez
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 3:18 PM
To: Michael Moore
Subject: another disheartened troop...

Dear Mr. Moore,

I just wanted to thank you for showing the world that some of us, while serving our country with pride, serve our current president and his administration with sadness and remorse. It is not easy to speak out against this meaningless war when you are serving on a remote tour and the only thing giving comfort to your fellow servicemen and women is the false reality that we are fighting for a great cause. This false reality that once brought comfort to my mind now injects anger, sorrow, and fear through my soul. May God forgive us all.

Roland Tellez, Sra. U.S.A.F.

There's more ...much more. Some need to open their eyes to the whole truth before chosing a side. None of us can afford to be niave.



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