
Found this on a new Stranger-friend blogger's blog...scarey...very!

Paul Harvey (...the rest of the story) a popular American radio personality's opninion on War etc...
There really are people like this out there..I am a babe in the woods!

"We didn't come this far because we're made of sugar candy. Once upon a time, we elbowed our way onto and across this continent by giving smallpox-infected blankets to Native Americans. That was biological warfare. And we used every other weapon we could get our hands on to grab this land from whomever.

"And we grew prosperous. And yes, we greased the skids with the sweat of slaves. So it goes with most great nation-states, which--feeling guilty about their savage pasts--eventually civilize themselves out of business and wind up invaded and ultimately dominated by the lean, hungry up-and-coming who are not made of sugar candy."

You can find the rest here:


Rue said…

If you don't give a shit why are you resonding?
I am not "commenting on how evil we are here in the USA." I have nothing against Americans, just this administration. Alot of American Bloggers feel the same way.It's not that I "love the muslims so much" but that I understand that not all muslims are like the extreemists committing these acts of terror. By this very statement you've made you obviously can't tell the difference.
I think you should really be careful about that "rescue" statement. Keep in mind our fine millitary ( and yes it is still fine, just well spent and not wasted)were in both world wars well before yours were. If thier intent was to "rescue" anyone it would have been much MORE successful if they had started a few year sooner.

You might also keep in mind that you responded to a post where I simply quoted one of your fellow Americans. If his are the kind of ethics you yourself are proud of than I you sir, could do with some further education.
Anne said…
hi rue-
man, who knew that the topic of paul harvey would get everyone all riled-up? sheesh.
i like your blog, and i am cool with your opinions, because they are YOURS to have. plus, i am pretty much with you on all of it!
thanks for stopping by the cozy shack, you lucky canadian!
badgerbob said…
rue said... Keep in mind our fine millitary ( and yes it is still fine, just well spent and not wasted)were in both world wars well before yours were....

I have family in both the USA and Canada who have served in the two wars you refer to as well as Korea, Vietnam,Desert Storm,and Afghanistan. I am well aware of the status of the canadian military, and probably more so than you. My nephew was with the Canadians in Afg. when the american pilot dropped the 500lb bomb on his unit. I have great respect for the canadian armed forces, but also realize that the "love everyone" types like yourself are responsible for electing the gov't who disbanded units and cut funding. They are undermanned, underpaid,and are poorly equipped. They have a history of doing alot with very little.
You! lady are the one who needs an education. Read your history.
Rue said…
'Your gov't has made a mockery of a once proud and well respected armed forces.'

That is the comment I resent. You are still uneducated as to the spending on our military. There is no mockery made except in your opinions. Look to your own troops for that. It's been widely publicized that they don't have the equipment they need in Iraq now! They're not being granted the veteran's pay they deserve either!

Keep in mind we don't have as much money to throw at bomb making as the US does because we think there are other things more important than war..like health care and foriegn aide.
I see your educated in war history...there's alot more to a people's history and present than war.

If you're just going to continue to insult me than maybe we should respectfully agree to disagree and you should stay off my blog.
Unknown said…
rue, i too am canadian, and i don't disagree with what you said... except to say that your comment on the canadian government throwing their money at health care and foreign aide is not exactly dead-on.

true especially here in ontario. there is legislation in the works now to privatize hospitals AND health care. no it will not be implemented in the upcoming weeks or months, but it is in the works. and the foreign aide: are you serious? did you not see the big battle between frontmen Bono and Martin? our fearless leader [whom i do not disrespect] was very unwilling to make a commitment to assist other countries, especially if our economy/nation's debt would be jeopardized.

...and then our military... i once heard a DJ on Toronto's Q107 compare the canadian army to a seventeen year old boy. you know, the 17 yrs old guys who bum a ride, drink your beer and smoke your cigarettes because they can't get them themselves. NOT to say we don't have great people defending us and peacekeeping elsewhere, but financially speaking - would it hurt to get a new helicopter every fifty years?
Rue said…
Hey Kelly, thanks for commenting.

As far as the privatization of health care. well, if the conservatives get back into office it may come to pass. Personally, I hope that doesn't happen. With my health issues if I have to pay for my health care I will probably die becuase there is no way I or my family can manage that. So I guess I have some more personal reasons why I prefer not to have my tax dollars going to the military instead of health care if that is the choice. As to foriegn aide. We HAVE now actually committed to giving twice as much since the G8 summit meetings. It isn't as much as we have given on record in the past but it is a start. I was thinking more along the lines of actual staffing in other countries rather than simply financial aide. We do have aide workers all over the globe as we write this and alot of our tax dollars go to supporting that.More aiding than arming so to speak.

There have been some serious mistakes made in miltary spending as well. Like those damn submarines. That certianly didn't help us with the laughing stock reputation! I suppose if we could ensure the money would be spent wizely it wouldn't make me feel so reluctant to be positve about it.

As to your DJ. while everyone is entitled to thier opinions it is in part the perpetuation of that stereotype that gives the impression that our military is a joke. Historically We have NEVER been as well armed or well funded as other countries militarily. Our strength has always been in the intellegence, stamina and determination of our military personnel. we need to emphasize it's strengths instead of it's weaknesses. That's just my opinion however.
Rue said…
what kind of a word is "yous"?
badgerbob said…
Well said Kelly. Rue,I am sorry to hear that you have health issues. I wish you the best.

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