Space Shuttle lands safely

Thank the maker the austronauts are safe!
Still, (and it may be an unpopular opinion) I think the money spent on space travel would be better spent on other more pressing matters. Like more equipment for the soldiers still in Iraq & Afghanistan, The homeless in North America, famine and desease in third world countries, the environment...the list goes on.
I think instead of trying to escape this planet maybe it would be better idea to invest in it's survival.
...But that's just my opinion

[Just as a side...why is it called the 'Canadaarm' on Canadian news and the mechanical arm on American news? Can't American TV stations give credit where it's due? Would it kill them to honour the Canadian scientists who were in part responsible for the safe return of those on this mission? Geeeze!]


MilesDavis said…
Forget about spending billions for armored improvements for the materials of war. BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW! Yes, I agree with you about the waste of money being spent on these foolish space missions. The money could certainly be put to better use researching a cure for Cancer, Alzheimers, and stem cell research. But then...did you know more money is spent to develop better drugs for erectile dysfuntion????
Rue said…
erectile dysfunction eh? Huh!
..and I always thought thier heads were up thier asses...guess thier minds are really on another organ altogeather!

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