violence in Canada

Canada's strict gun laws have often been criticized in our own and American media sources.Required gun registration has been called unpatriotic and unconstitutional (odd since there isn't anything in OUR constitution about owning guns).I recently got into a discussion with friends about the "rash" of gun related violence in Toronto. There have been (I believe) three incidents where injuries and death have occurred in the Toronto area in the last month. That makes the last incident the 42nd incident of violence that involved the use of guns.
42nd..and this is already August! Bare in mind Toronto is Canada's largest city as far as population is concerned. New York City had 42 by February.
What our laws have done is create an entirely different attitude and culture about guns and gun violence. A "driveby" is an unusual and horrific scene here. It is almost unheard of and makes headline news when it happens. These latest situations made the news several nights in a row. We just don't look at the ownership and use of arms the same way as other countries do. A rifle is something a farmer owns to scare off coyotes, not something to protect his home. It also isn't something his 15 year old son would think to use or even know how to if he did. To actually be in a home where there might be a gun stored is a truly odd experience. Hand guns are almost never seen.I am not saying it doesn't happen. I am saying it simply isn't common. Bar brawls and gang related fights happen but the use of fists and knives are more the norm. I don't think people can argue that you have more of a chance of surviving from these then you do from a gun shot. It may be unpopular amongst the NRA and people of the same beliefs but stricter gun laws work..Canada is just one example.It isn't a perfect system but it's better than some.


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