Bush defends first strike option

(exerts from local paper)
"In the 49 page national security report the President said diplomacy is the preference in halting the spread of nuclear and other heinous weapons.
"If neccessary, however,under long-standing priciples of self-defense we donnot rule out the use of force before attacks occur-even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place of the enemy's attack"

So let me get this straight. He says it's a good thing to attack people who have not even threatened US security in any way, simply because they might some day do so? Wake up cititzens of the US, this is the same argument Hitler used to defend his attacking Poland!!!! It is!!!

He's defending the neccessity (as he sees it) to attack Iran. Using the now disproved "weapons of mass destruction" excuse.

About North Korea? (where we know there are WOMDs)He says this:

"The North Korean regime needs to change these policies, open up it's political system and afford freedom to it's people. (yeah...not rocket science there)In the intirum, we will continue to take all neccessary measures to protect our national and economic security against the adverse effects of their bad conduct"

Okay so...two problems with that last statement.First, it is very interesting how he hasn't layed out a plan to actually do anything about North Korea. Why?? Because he knows they have the weapons to obliterate the troops and probably most of the population as well. Not to mention the unknown environmental factor that may and probably will eventually effect us on this contintent. Secondly, I have no problem with his use of the words "defend national security"...no problem at all. I am wary of his addition of the word economic security. I can't help but think this is really what the war on Iraq, afganistan and now Iran is really about. Democracy developed in these areas? Doubtful. Like my significant other says, the war is like a huge, dangerous game of "wack a Mole". Everytime the insurgents are hit more pop up somewhere else. It is fruitless. It's a wasted effort. No boys and girls, this is about $$$. Pure and simple. Our men are dying for profit.


Dr. Deb said…
Just seems to be getting worse and worse....
me said…
Hey Rue, good post, I'm going to read more later! Hope ya had the best day!
: )
Polyman2 said…
We created the Frankenstein, now he is running rampant and we don't know how to kill him.
Muser said…
And why is no one else concerned that the United States went to help India develop nuclear weapons.... What am I missing?

Artist; if you check my blog, I posted a quick personal note. Can't get to my email but can access my blog. So I did.
me said…
Whelp...I heard that US is helping India develop nuclear energy in terms of fuel replacement...not nuclear weapons...Muser. Unless, we are being duped again?
Hello everyone!
susan said…
Heir dunekhof...good pic.

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